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After all the explanations on our socials and summaries at the beginning of each page, you still got questions? Don't worry, it's to be expected. Hope these responses can help you out but if you still got questions, hit our line at or find us at our social - IG: @theovrlp
Do I have to sign up to comment?Unfortunately, we're not coders so this website was made with Wix... which can be a little whack about somethings. As of right now, annonymous comments can't be made with the capabilities of Wix. We're sorry, but we appreciate every single person who does take the time to sign up!
You forced me to sign up so I can leave shitty comments on these shitty posts for this shitty community, how do I know my data isn't being backdoored like a pair of Jordan 1s at Footlocker?"First off, if you're worried about a few guys who are just trying share the things they love with the world stealing your data, you may have a couple bigger concerns to worry about. Regardless, we promise you we're not. "BuT hOw CAn i trUsT tHAt?" Just read the damn privacy policy, it's all there.
How can I make a request? What bout writing a post?Request: we got a whole page for that - the submissions page. Either toss it up there or hit us up directly on IG, Twitter, or email. Writing: for this, just direct to one of our socials. Leave a message introducing yourself and saying what you want to write about. From there we'll give you whatever info you need.
I submitted a topic but it hasn't been covered yet... what the fuck?So there could be a few reasons for this: We already have a lot of topics lined up and haven't had the time to dive into your rec to give it the proper attention it deserves. We're in the process of reviewing it now. We don't fuck with what you sent us... but that's ok! If you care enough about your topic, feel free to make your own write up. We'll be more than happy to post and promote it for you!
What's the deal with the English-only bias?Yea so to keep it a buck, none of us can speak anything other than English. A couple know some real basic, 1st grade level Spanish but that's about it. Since we don't speak languages other than English, we don't think it's our place to judge artists who we don't understand a lick of what they're saying. However, if you do, by all means feel free to cover said artist and we'll post and promote it for you!
I like the concept of The Overlap but man your writers are garbage. How can I change this?!Put your money where your damn mouth is! No, but like actually. We're not here to appeal to the masses so we understand not everyone will appreciate our written monologues. If you're willing to put in the effort to cover someone or something like we are, who are we to stop you? We're only going to put in the same effort to promote you and the content you care about so please write your own piece.
This music shit is cool but what other forms of art you gonna cover? And when we gonna get it?For what we're gonna cover, you'll just have to wait and see ;) About the when... there's no date set instone or specific timeframe. We want the growth of The Overlap to be fluid and natural. We know it's shitty for being so cryptic but the best we can say is "when the time is right."
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